Once upon a time, there was a boy who loved listening to stories.

He grew up…

and he fell in love with telling stories, too.

He had listened well in his youth, and

he knew everyone had a story to tell.

And he wanted people to hear the stories he’d heard — because he believed

these stories were beautiful.

So, he began to dream.

And this is his dream to

Tell beautiful stories human-ly.

About Ant & Tortoise

  • A creative freelancing brand offering a medley of marketing & comm content & services.

    This is my dream of having a personal freelancing brand. The goal is to work for individuals and/or organizations, and to offer services that prioritize personal, genuine relationship and connection with clients through conversation, active listening, and extensive research in order to craft meaningful stories and effective services that richly represent the beauty of each unique story.

  • To tell beautiful stories human-ly.

    I believe that it is often the most ordinary things that are the most beautiful. I’m committed to telling stories in a way that shows off the beauty hidden even in the most ordinary of places and lives by writing ‘human-ly’ — a term I use to describe storytelling that is steeped in our lived, human experiences and the particularities of our unique stories.

  • To create beauty and reimagine business — for the love of humans.

    As you can see, the vision for Ant & Tortoise is so much more than just freelancing: It’s about building up a business that fuses profit with people’s well being to show that profit doesn’t have to come at the expense of people. In fact, here at A&T profit at the expense of people is an oxymoron. An impossibility.

  • The ant is tiny, and yet without master or leader builds up massive homes and stores up heaps of food solely because it’s the work that needs to get done. Ants are a testament to the fruit of hard work & discipline, and bear witness to the world that smaller does not always mean insignificant.

    By way of Aesop’s fable, the tortoise symbolizes the age-old wisdom that ‘slow and steady wins the race.’ The tortoise bears witness that faster is not always better.

    I chose these two to represent my work as a freelancer because I reject the idea that I must work like a machine to be productive or successful. Beauty takes time. Being human takes time. Telling beautiful stories human-ly takes time.

    And despite my taking a longer time and greater labor than most, the ant and tortoise bear witness that my steady and disciplined work can and will still amount to something wonderful in the end.

  • The goal is to begin by offering copywriting services, but then to expand with time to other services such as content writing, logo design, brand development, photography, or other design services.

    Regarding content, I have already been writing over on my Substack publication (read here) and have plans to continue developing it further.

    Moreover, given that I am an artist at heart, I have the hopes of finding the time and opportunities to continue procuring a miscellany of small artistic works such as paintings, crafts, prints and carvings, possibly a podcast of sorts, and maybe get into photography.

  • Read more about me here!